Ronnie continued his winning streak beating Ian in the 7th Round while Nicholas Chan took second spot with a win over FM Tedy Sukirman. FM Lim Yee Weng shrug off his morning Bye to score another point over Hendry Jamais to claim the 3rd placing after Round 7.
Junior player Justin Ong performed well so far with 5 points and a 6th placing, with a win over Mohd Saprin and to later draw with WIM Lisa Karlina. Another junior player Alia also did well with two draws against Kamalarifin and Evi to secure a total 5 points so far. Alia is another player to watch and although based in Melaka the Chess Association of Selangor ('CAS') is proud to contribute to the development of her chess prowess.........................In the Star newspaper yesterday
The playing hall
Royal Selangor
The 5 Selangor Open Champions in the Tournament line-up this year2007 defending Champion Lim Chuin Hoong looks to be a strong contender notwithstanding the two draws in Rounds 4 and 5. Awaiting his placement as a doctor will determine if he can remain active in chess in the near future. In the meantime he will limit his rounds to just the chess circuit. In addition he has the National Master title to his name
2004 Champion FM Nicholas Chan (Fide 2380) seems to be able to juggle his vocation as a medical student and prolific chess player. So medicine should not be considered a graveyard for chess. He is a product of CAS chess initiative and is also a National Master. Tomorow's Round 8 pitting him against Ronnie will be an interesting encounter.
Mohd Saprin Sabri (Fide 2201) the 2001 Champion, is another strong player but definitely not a Weekend Warrior where he may even miss the top 10 ranking. Currently preoccupied as an IT professional he should be able to reassert himself in the chess scene once his business settles down.
A versatile player in both standard and allegros 1998 Champion Lim Yee Weng (Fide 2349) and lawyer however has to skip Round 6. This may cost him to do a double for the top spot, given his strong position so far. A National Master he is another a beneficiary of the CAS training and activities.
Now that he is grounded 1995 Champion Mohd Kamal Abdullah (Fide 2205) and also a National Master hopes to participate in more tournaments. A person to beat in one of those weekend games where he will struggle over the short time control though.