Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Malaysian Chess Festival - SelangorChess Team

The Chess Association of Selangor proposes to send only three teams to represent Selangor this year. This is not due to lack of talents in the State, on the contrary Selangor probably has the largest number of strong players in the country, but Selangor's past large contingent and competitive stance could have intimidated our counterparts. Additionally CAS also attracted many players especially Juniors from other states who would otherwise not have a decent team or worse still not have a team at all. CAS has always provided opportunity to fully harness and recognise these players as they are indeed the products of CAS efforts but rules have changed and we shall dance to the tune.

This year's Senior Team will include our CAS Committee Member Fariz Shafruddin. He is a regular member of the Selangor Team, a graduate of CAS's CTEP starting off as a Junior player and has in recent years been representing the State Senior team. He will not however sit on the top boards, thus signifying a strategically strong team to be assembled this year.

Li Tian will be one of the team members spearheading the Selangor State Junior. He may well be considered 'underaged' given the Under-16 threshold for the Junior category, but he has definitely showed his prowess in the local chess scene.

This year will also see the brother and sister - Nabil and Nabila, in action in the Selangor Junior Team. Both will dig upon their experience in the full tradition of a winning team that is Selangor.

These are just a sampling of what the Selangor Team will comprise of. They will be joined by equally talented individuals with the added strong temperament as team players, whom we shall not reveal at this point in time. Through CAS's past experiences the winning edge lies not just on the individuals but the qualitative team efforts and spirit as key to success of the Selangor team.
It is an honour to represent the State and especially so to to be selected in the Winning Team, under the stewardship of CAS.